Phạm Tú September 25, 2018 523

Notable Child KOLs in Vietnam

In Vietnam, talented kids appearing on television are often seen as a mark of successful parenting. When brands want to make a splash in the children’s market, these young KOLs can be a secret weapon. They embody the personalities and preferences of the kids whose parents are the actual buyers – think moms and dads!

Hữu Khang

Hữu Khang started his acting career at the ripe old age of 3. Now, he’s got a crazy long list of movies, fashion projects, and TV appearances under his belt.

This September, Hữu Khang snagged a lead role in the movie “Chú ơi, đừng lấy mẹ con” (Uncle, don’t marry my mom). Growing up under the spotlight has made him confident and witty, but still totally adorable. In this new film, he steals the show from the adult actors! His portrayal of “Nhện” (Spider) is a major reason people are rushing to see the movie – his acting feels so real and natural.

And get this, even though he’s only 9, Hữu Khang is already a popular child model, rocking the runway in big-time fashion shows like “Thời trang và cuộc sống” (Fashion and Life), “Phong cách cuộc sống” (Lifestyle), and “Phong cách châu Á” (Asian Style).

With his cute, chubby cheeks, handsome features, and a style he’s perfected in all those fashion shows, Hữu Khang is a no-brainer for kids’ fashion brands. And any campaign with an artistic vibe? He’ll nail it with his acting chops and stage presence.

Chu Diệp Anh

With her mixed heritage and adorable features – those chubby cheeks and big, round eyes – Chu Diệp Anh has earned nicknames like “future beauty queen” and “national child pageant winner.” People are obsessed!

Diệp Anh has strutted her stuff on the catwalk in major events like Vietnam Junior Fashion Week and Vietnam International Fashion Week. This 8-year-old is a go-to for fashion designers, appearing in product launches both in Vietnam and internationally.

Her innocent beauty and tons of opportunities to show off her acting skills, combined with professional training from Thúy Hạnh – Thúy Hằng’s famous child modeling center, put her way ahead of other kid actors.

Just like Hữu Khang, Chu Diệp Anh is perfect for fashion brands. Even though she’s young, her ability to switch up her expressions and her professional attitude make her a hit with audiences.

Thanh Mỹ

Lâm Thanh Mỹ, born in 2005, was already being called an “advertising angel” at 8 years old. She’s been in over 30 commercials for different brands, and you can regularly see her hosting kids’ TV shows and doing voice acting.

When it comes to acting, Thanh Mỹ totally nails her roles in movies like “Đoạt hồn” (Hollow), “Để Hội tính” (Let’s Get Married), “Ma Dai” (Jackpot), and “Tôi thấy hoa vàng trên cỏ xanh” (Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass). Every role she plays leaves a strong impression.

What’s cool is that Thanh Mỹ is becoming a teenager, and her image and personality are changing right along with her. Brands looking to reach tweens and teens (12-16 years old) should definitely keep an eye on her.

Nguyễn Ngọc Bảo An

This young singer is one of the few to join the “300 million views club.” Born in 2006, Bảo An has a sweet, charming look and a super clear singing voice. She started singing at 3 and quickly landed roles in commercials. Her singing videos rack up millions of views in no time.

Bảo An is also the only child star among the 12 Vietnamese people to snag YouTube’s Silver Play Button back in 2015. Plus, she’s been on shows like Vietnam Idol Kids and Gương mặt thân quen nhí (Your Face Sounds Familiar Kids), where she totally wowed the audience.

In the past few years, Bảo An has become a familiar name for big brands looking for someone to represent them. She’s been in tons of ads for famous brands (both Vietnamese and international) and a bunch of smaller brands too.

Just like Thanh Mỹ, Bảo An is growing up and becoming a 12-year-old with a changing style, acting skills, and overall image.

Minh Khang

Known as the “talking master” and “know-it-all professor” from the TV show Biệt tài tí hon (Little Big Shots), Minh Khang is a total fan favorite. He learned English before Vietnamese, loves reading more than video games, and is crazy about educational toys.

Even though he’s just 5, Khang already knows a ton about geography and cultures around the world. He’s super talkative and quick-witted, which makes him a standout on TV game shows.

Minh Khang, like Đỗ Nhật Nam before him, is the kind of kid that makes parents wonder how to raise a genius. TV viewers want to know what products his parents used to help him become so smart!

Because his son got famous so fast, Minh Khang’s dad has been trying to keep him out of the public eye a bit more. But Minh Khang still gets a lot of attention online, and the media loves writing about his family and how they’re raising him.

Bi Béo (Nguyễn Nhật Võ Nguyên)

This kid, the son of comedian Xuân Bắc, became a total sensation after appearing on the TV show “Bố ơi mình đi đâu thế” (Dad, where are we going?).

Bi is smart and mischievous, and his “old man” way of thinking always cracks people up. He’s also super genuine and carefree, and his funny face and squinty eyes just add to his charm.

Bi also got noticed when he was on the 2018 Táo quân (Kitchen Gods) show and in everyday life videos his parents post online. This is definitely going to help him become a successful comedian someday.

Bi Béo has a leg up on other kid stars because both his parents are in the entertainment industry. Xuân Bắc and his wife keep Bi Béo in the spotlight by sharing funny clips and pictures of him online all the time.

Bé Minh Hoàng (Ku Tin)

Ku Tin is a child star in Vietnamese entertainment. After getting famous online, he was invited to be on shows like Thách thức danh hài (Comedy Challenge) and Người hùng tí hon (Little Heroes). He’s also been in a bunch of comedy shows and acted in movies with Hoài Linh. Even though he was born in 2011, Ku Tin is already super busy performing, just like a famous celebrity.

He might be small, but he’s got big talent! People are recognizing his skills more and more each day. He’s naturally charming, with a funny face and expressions that are perfect for his age. He’s got a real future in acting!

Most of these child KOLs aren’t just on social media. They’re also going to events, being in shows, and doing interviews, which shows just how influential they are. With their looks, talent, eagerness to learn, and hard work, they’re on track to become the next generation of Vietnamese showbiz stars.