Phạm Tú January 7, 2024 411

Media and Influencers: Spreading the Green Message!

Over the past year, environmental awareness has skyrocketed, especially among young people. We’re seeing more and more stories about the devastating impact of pollution on our planet and its wildlife, with images of animals trapped in plastic waste becoming a powerful call to action.

Globally, and in Vietnam specifically, there’s a growing movement to reduce plastic waste, recycle responsibly, and dispose of trash properly. From swapping plastic straws for eco-friendly alternatives to using reusable containers, people are making small changes with a big impact.

While the zero-waste movement has been gaining traction in the West for a while, it’s still relatively new in Vietnam. But media outlets like Kênh 14, a popular platform among young people, are spreading the word with their “Live Green” segment, promoting sustainable practices and inspiring viewers to adopt a zero-waste lifestyle.

Challenges like “The Plastic Thief War,” “Trash Clean-Up Challenge,” and “Earth Hour” are encouraging public participation, with influencers and celebrities leading the way. Images of communities coming together to protect the environment are going viral, raising awareness and inspiring action.

Influencers are using their platforms to advocate for change, encouraging their followers to reduce plastic consumption and make eco-conscious choices. Even supermarkets and local vendors are getting on board, replacing plastic bags with banana leaves and other sustainable alternatives.

Brands like Love Beauty And Planet and Lại đây Refill Station are promoting reusable packaging, allowing customers to refill their containers. While this practice is still limited, it’s a step in the right direction.

Our environment sustains us, providing the conditions for our survival and well-being. Protecting it is not just a responsibility, but a necessity. It’s a collective effort that starts with each individual and every family.

The passionate involvement of influencers and media outlets is crucial in spreading the message of environmental protection, especially among young people who will inherit our planet. These initiatives should be ongoing and widespread, fostering a sense of responsibility and inspiring action for a greener future.