Phạm Tú October 13, 2023 316

Why is Influencer Marketing essential during the COVID-19 pandemic?

As brands struggle with their marketing plans and financial sustainability during the COVID-19 crisis, partnering with Influencer Marketing may be a business’s best bet to thrive despite the economic disruption.

Benefits of Influencer Marketing for brands

Businesses must change their marketing approach during COVID-19 or risk becoming obsolete. Missing out on opportunities to connect with customers during this difficult time will impact the relationship between businesses and customers.

Help businesses stay top-of-mind with customers.

In these pandemic times, influencers are a powerful bridge between businesses and their customers. Influencers build their reputation on authenticity and genuine connection. By leveraging these strengths, businesses can gain a real advantage.

Consumers will see the business as an organization that’s there to support them. The brand becomes a leader in a broader social movement, empowering others rather than profiting from their struggles

Support for Content Creation

With their finger on the pulse of current trends, influencers are adept at creating content that resonates with audiences. Effective content in these times needs to be: transparent and easily understood by everyone; relevant to current events without overreacting to sensitive issues.

By partnering with influencers, businesses can develop the best communication strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Influencer marketing not only helps brands produce effective media content but also provides valuable insights into the concerns and needs of their target audience.

Maximize profit

While the economy is still suffering a lot, Influencer Marketing will be a powerful tool to support businesses in generating profits in the midst of this great crisis.

According to the Digital Marketing Institute (citing Tomson’s research) Influencer Marketing generates huge returns for businesses of over 600% on average.

In another study sponsored by Nielsen Catalina Solutions, experts found that in some cases, influencer marketing outperforms PPC banner advertising ROI by 1,100%.

Why is Influencer Marketing so powerful?

First: Influencer marketing can use flexible budgets based on the financial situation of the business. Marketers can choose to spend more or less depending on the purpose of the campaign.

Second: Influencer Marketing with images affect the content their followers’ posts on social media sites. After the campaign officially ends, consumers and Influencers can continue to engage with branded posts long after the campaign has ended. Consumer content also improves the website’s domain and helps it rank higher in searches.

3rd: Influencer Marketing posts are easy for PPC advertising purposes, reusing posts from influencers (with permission) will help reduce costs for businesses.

Benefits Influencer Marketing brings to the community

Despite certain changes, consumers still need essential products and services to survive. Likewise, brands need to sustain their businesses and find ways to keep cash flowing.

Influencer marketing is more effective than other marketing channels during the pandemic. Influencer Marketing helps businesses positively impact customers with content that appeals to their awareness and community.

Businesses will succeed when they focus their marketing on delivering benefits to consumers.

At this time. Not only receive sympathy from customers but also help businesses more easily promote products.

Allay customer fears

Influencers are working with businesses to help their followers stay mentally stable as the government enforces social distancing. Instead of focusing on selling products at this time, one of the best ways for businesses to do this is to communicate about personal health care measures and disease prevention.

Customers trust Influencers

Some businesses are taking advantage of this crisis to get rich. That is why these businesses are unable to build and nurture long-term relationships based on customer trust.

As professional creators, Influencers demonstrate resilience in the face of any hardship and inspire followers to distract themselves with new hobbies and habits.

Influencers don’t just work with businesses, they partner with organizations to share value with their audience. Followers know this and trust that Influencers will bring out the best in them.

More than ever, consumers are influenced by influencer marketing when making purchases. Up to 60% of 16-24 year olds have been influenced by influencer marketing during their purchase in the past 6 months. (Source: Takumi: Trust, transactions and trend-setters)

By partnering with Influencer Marketing to align business operations, influencers will help make sales more accountable. At the same time, prioritizing CSR activities to attract customers in the most appropriate way at this time.

How Influencer Marketing Proves Its Worth

Some influencers are using their influence to their advantage. Not only are they helping their followers cope with fear, but they’re also helping them make important purchasing decisions. Here are some ways influencers are proving their worth during this pandemic.

Actively convey messages about disease prevention in all forms: Selectively update information on social networks. Create exercises and instructions to improve community health. Release entertainment MVs to help promote messages about disease prevention

Supporting businesses: Even though they are isolated at home, Influencers can still review brand products for businesses that are promoting e-commerce.

Creating value for themselves: KOLs/Influencers in fields such as food, travel, and lifestyle are forced to find ways to manage, change, or expand their content types to maintain their appeal and steady viewership because no one knows how long the pandemic will last. However, this is also an opportunity for KOLs/Influencers to demonstrate to brands and viewers their content creation capabilities and bring more opportunities for cooperation after the pandemic.