Phạm Tú February 21, 2019 247

8 Things You Didn’t Know About Millennial Women – and How to Reach Them Through Influencer Marketing

Girl, you know we’re not just another basic demographic, right? As millennial women, we’re changing the game, and brands need to step up if they want to get our attention. Here’s the lowdown on what makes us tick, and how influencer marketing can really speak to us:

1/ We’re the breadwinners (and the innovators!)

Forget the old stereotypes – millennial women are killing it in business and launching new products faster than anyone else.

According to, young women in the Middle East and North Africa are outpacing men in starting businesses. We’re 60% more likely to have innovative ideas and 30% more likely to be innovative overall. Yeah, we’re kind of a big deal.

2/ We’re all about planned purchases

We’re not just throwing our money around. If we find a product that really fits our needs, we’re willing to spend more. Same goes for our vacations – we plan those out too!

So, brands, take note: if you want to reach us, especially around holidays, you need to get your influencer marketing game on point well in advance.

Instagram data shows that we’re super thoughtful about our purchases. We’re not just buying stuff for the sake of it. We’re curating a life, and our purchases reflect that. We’d rather cut back on big-ticket items like houses or cars so we can spend more on experiences that truly matter, like traveling and mini-vacations.

3/ Social media is our shopping BFF

When we’re looking for gift ideas, planning trips, or just figuring out how to spend our free time, we turn to social media for inspiration. We might spend months browsing Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and blogs before making a purchase.

Bustle’s research shows how we discover brands:

  • 81% through social media (duh!)
  • 36% through trusted websites
  • 35% through online news sites
  • 35% through email
  • 17% through online videos

We also pay attention to the kind of ads we see. 57% of us love ads that are funny or have a social message. 36% like ads that support a cause, followed by motivational (33%) and realistic (30%) ads. Keep it real and keep it fun, brands!

4/ Motherhood is our jam (but we’re not just moms!)

Almost 90% of millennial moms are part of the “always-on generation,” so you know we take motherhood seriously. In a world where everyone has an opinion, being a perfect mom is a real goal for many of us.

But we’re not just moms! Like Gen X and Boomer moms, most of us work. Only 35% of millennial moms identify as stay-at-home moms. In fact, with two-thirds of us working, 21% of millennial dads are the stay-at-home parents.

That’s why we’re super invested in products and services for our kids. We’re the ones bringing home the bacon, so we want the best for our little ones, even if it costs a little more.

5/ We’re confident with our cash

For many of us, money equals independence, power, success, and happiness. Most of us are entering the workforce and getting married later than previous generations.

We’re also savvy spenders. We do our research and plan our purchases carefully. That’s why we love coupons! 74% of us compare prices online, and 55% download coupons from coupon websites.

6/ Convenience is king (and we’ll pay for it!)

Studies show:

  • 83% of millennial moms shop online for the best deals
  • 79% of millennial moms use e-commerce for better product selection
  • 62% of millennial moms shop online for convenient shipping options

Work-life balance is a priority, so 25% of us are willing to pay at least $50 a month for someone to help with household chores.

We also love getting essentials like diapers and beauty products delivered to our doorstep instead of spending hours at the store.

Online shopping is our go-to because it’s flexible and convenient.

7/ We’re loyal to brands that get us

Millennial moms are loyal to quality – whether it’s the quality of a product or the quality of the brand itself. We’re willing to pay more for a better product and support brands that care about social issues.

51% of us want brands to make a positive impact on society, and 34% are willing to pay more for eco-friendly products. The Women 2020 report identified six key issues that we care about most:

  • 25% – equal pay
  • 19% – domestic violence
  • 12% – economic inequality
  • 10% – healthcare quality
  • 7% – childcare quality
  • 27% – body image

8/ When we speak, the world listens

Social media isn’t just for chatting about the latest gossip. It’s where we show our community who we are and what we stand for.

We’re totally comfortable sharing our opinions on social media about everything from clothes and makeup to motherhood, brands, retailers, and even financial products.

Besides giving advice, 46% of us look to our social media community for recommendations when making purchasing decisions.

We also prefer our smartphones to laptops. Over half of us spend most or all of our online time on our phones and spend over 17 hours on social media each week – that’s 30% more time than moms from other generations!

In conclusion

Millennial women are a force to be reckoned with. We’re leading economic and social change, and brands need to understand how to reach and engage us. Influencer marketing that’s authentic, relatable, and speaks to our values is key to winning us over.