Phạm Tú March 26, 2018 309

Hot Profiles: An Effective Influencer Marketing Channel for Low-Budget Projects

Influencer marketing is no longer the exclusive domain of celebrities with millions of followers and massive engagement. Today, a new breed of influencers, known as Hot Profiles, offers a fresh approach, delivering immediate results, high engagement, and cost-effectiveness, making them ideal for smaller brands and low-budget projects.

Who are Hot Profiles?

Hot Profiles, also known as micro-influencers, are specialists in their niche and possess significant influence within specific communities. They could be mommy bloggers, tech experts, travel enthusiasts, or young individuals with captivating personalities and a substantial social media following. Their opinions carry weight and influence consumer behavior within their respective audiences (homemakers, tech enthusiasts, travel lovers, etc.).

Typically, Hot Profiles have a minimum of 30,000 followers on social media platforms and an average engagement rate of over 500 interactions (likes, shares, and comments) per post. Notable examples in Vietnam include hot girl Salim, Nhung Gumiho (fashion and beauty), Chuột Thổ Cẩm (music and food), Tuân Cuồng Chân (travel), and Vinh Vật Vờ (technology).

What do they offer?

While Hot Profiles may not have the massive follower count of celebrities, recent studies demonstrate their superior influence on consumer behavior. For every 100 people, 8% choose to follow a micro-influencer, compared to just 1.7% for celebrities. This highlights the trust consumers place in Hot Profiles, partly due to their active engagement with their followers. For instance, they are more likely to respond to questions about product availability and pricing, significantly impacting purchasing decisions.

Their collaborative spirit, professionalism, and affordability are key factors attracting brands to Hot Profiles. With lower costs, brands can execute influencer marketing campaigns with a larger number of Hot Profiles, maximizing reach and impact. Both large and small brands are increasingly turning to Hot Profiles for product launches or amplifying celebrity-led campaigns to broaden their reach and influence.

Furthermore, collaborating with Hot Profiles allows brands to precisely target their desired audience. For example, Baskin Robbins’ Father’s Day campaign utilized over 50 popular Hot Profiles in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, effectively reaching their target audience of young consumers. The campaign achieved over 100,000 interactions within days.

Successful projects with Hot Profiles

  • Love’In Farm (LIF): This milk brand cleverly partnered with nearly 30 Hot Profiles to promote their “3 PM Syndrome” campaign on Facebook. The campaign generated over 25,000 interactions within five days, establishing “3 PM Syndrome” as a relatable concept among young people and promoting LIF milk as the solution.
  • The Coffee House: This younger brand successfully employed Hot Profile marketing for their “Taste This Love” campaign, promoting their new Raspberry Macchiato and Black Tea Macchiato drinks. The campaign generated 50,000 organic interactions within two weeks and widespread hashtag visibility (#thecoffeehouse #tastethislove) on Facebook, contributing to the new drinks becoming bestsellers.


Hot Profile influencer marketing proves to be a smart and effective strategy. Its “quick win” nature with lower costs appeals to both small and large brands. For those hesitant to heavily invest in traditional influencer marketing, Hot Profiles offer a perfect alternative to increase product visibility, amplify campaigns, and enhance brand awareness within target communities.

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